
Prepin' for a 1000 Point Tourni

Well there is a 1000 point tourni coming up next week and the Jeff's from the Rollin Waaagh have been feverishly play testing some lists. I think 1000 point tournaments are a great way for players to try out new armies and gives stores the opportunity to sell them those armies. It's a win win situation. If your local game store hasn't run one I highly encourage you to talk them into it. They really are a blast!

After being utterly crushed numerous times with my dread heavy marine list, I made a last minute change and abandoned the Emperor's finest for the Orks. Steadfast Jeff B. has the same Ork list he has been abusing me with for the past 4 weeks... jerk. Here is a look at the lists:

Jeff C's Biker Nob:
Biker Boss w/ all the fixins
Nobz x 6 w/ 2 power claws, 3 Huge choppas, Waaagh Banner, & Doc
Looted wagon the boom gun edition
Trukk Boyz x 10 with choppa, slugga, & a bosspole weilding nob
Shoota Boyz x 17 with yet another bosspole weilding nob
Battle wagon w/ big shoota for the Shoota Boyz to roll around in

Jeff B's MegaNob list
MegaArmor Boss w/ all the fixins
MegaNobz x 6
Looted wagon the boom gun edition
Trukk Boyz x 10 with choppa, slugga, big shoota & a bosspole weilding nob
Foot Sloggin Boyz x 10 with choppa, slugga, big shoota & a bosspole weilding nob
Battle wagon w/ a few big shootas for the MegaNobz
Killa Kans x 3 with rokkits

The Necron list that got dumped: I considered taking necron for about two rounds of their play test game. Necron are great, but they are a support oriented list. With only 1000 points to work with, the limitations are pretty severe. Needless to say, they got utterly POWNED by Jeff B's list. So, its back to the tomb ship for these guys. Maybe they will be able to function at 1000 points once there new codex comes out.

Lord with ResOrb & Veil
Destroyers x 4
Destroyers x 4
Warriors x 11
Warriors x 11

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