This was a pretty wild tournament. I would refer to it as "The Battle of the Bots" because their were 4, yes, count'em, 4 necron players.
Oddly, the composition was pretty different for all for of them. There was a 2 monolith (me), a 1 monolith, & a no monolith list. Some had tons of destroyers (them) and others had none (by others, I mean ME.) And, somehow, I avoided playing all of the other Necron armies
Sportsmanship - Necron (Brock)
Painting - Eldar (Jared)
General - Marines
Overall Winner - Necron (I sneaked away with this one. I get lucky every once in a while)
Cool Minis: Here are a few cool minis from the tourni. The first one is an old direct-only Necron model from GW.
That is one scary looking lord!
The second mini is a converted Ironclad Dreadnought. I wasn't sure how a hurricane bolter would look on the side of a dread, but I'm sure now... me likey!
I fought against this monster in my first round of the tournament. Here is a link to this army's blog, definitely worth checking out!
Army Pics: Here are some pics of the armies. I couldn't get all of them, I've got to get a new camera! The Tau pic is your favorite tactician and mine, Jeff B. The Eldar pic is the Painting winner.