
Painting the Monolith

I like the Necron. They are quick to paint and look great. Modeling the battle damage took much longer than the paint job. Thanks to the use of an airbrush, it was even faster than normal. Here's how I did it: CLICK FOR BIGGER PIC

1) Prime Black & Paint everything Bolt Metal but the guns

2) Airbrush (nickle size spray) inside corners & lines with very thin wash of black (watered down cheap paint)

3) Airbrush inside corners & lines with Dark Flesh. Make this a bit patchy.

4) Airbrush flat areas with Boltgun Metal. Try to stay away from the inside corners.

6) With a detail brush, paint dark brown ink into all to the inside corners & cracks. Then paint a Watered down Vermin Brown wash on battle damage, inside corners, & lines. This is where you make the dripping rust effect. Here is the recipe for the ink I use. It seems a bit elaborate, but it's good stuff.

Dark Brown Ink: 6 part water, 3 part Future Floor Finish, 2 part Flesh Wash, & 1 part Black Ink.

7) Paint a wash of four parts green ink, one part black ink, four parts water--onto the damaged areas and any depression made too bright by the vermin brown.

8) Three parts Dark Angel Green, one part Chaos Black painted onto damaged "Living Metal"areas

9) The exposed 'Living Metal' parts were dabbed with snot green, snot green with bleach bone, & then finally bleach bone.

10) the door was painted Catachan green & highlighted with Catachan green plus a bit of bleach bone.

11) the side damage was done with a highlight of goblin green along the edges. This was proceeded by a light snot green wash, a three parts Dark Angel Green wash, and a highlight of bleach bone on the edges

12) a very light rough highlight of Chainmail was added to the edges. I used a tank brush on the armor plates so it would look like fresh scrapes. The weapons were left black with a thin highlight Chainmail on the edges.

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