
'Eavy Nobz on the Battlefield

Well, the titanic clash Between the "Raining Templates" IG army and Da RollinWaaagh happened this weekend.

Let's just say--it was ugly.

I tried out a speed list with nobz in battle wagons, stormboyz, kommandos, boom wagons, and a few skorchas on the "Dawn of War" set up.

Which might have been fine, if Jeff B hadn't won the first turn, which meant he got to play his nasty little deployment trick. He put three squads of troops as far forward as possible, forcing me back to 6 inches from my board edge. Then he sent all 3 squads running back to his front lines.

I should have have put NOTHING out the first turn, and deployed the second turn.

But no.

I (brilliantly) put out my 2 battlewagon-nob squads (2 troops & HQ)--which were (shockingly) blown to kingdom come.

The only squads that made even a dent in his army were the mega-nobz and the kommandos. Everything else was pretty much a puddle of fungus.

I've been talking orks with Jeff B for a while now and have strong-armed him into giving me his yet-untested Foot Slogger list. So next time we play, it will be 2 Jeff B lists going head to head. Maybe then, I can beat him. The ork list does look pretty tough.

Jeff C

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