
Tournament Results

Da Tourni: Well, the tournament was only ten folks, but there was still some stiff competition. I ended up with a loss, draw, & win. Jeff B's record was draw-ish-barely-a-loss, a win, & a win. Butt munch. His only loss-esque battle was with a Nurgel army that obliterated everyone else in the room.

The nastiest, most effectively brutal armies of the Tourni were all Chaos (DUH) one of which will be featured here very soon as a guest poster. (Lemonade out of lemons, am I right?)

In contrast to Jeff B's record, I got my butt handed to me by a Noise Marine Heavy Slan-esh Army. The marines didn't worry me, but the lash-defiler combo almost made me wet my pants. Not really, but still. I was gonna getting herded into a perfect pie plate then obliterated by the defiler's battle cannon...YIKES.

All in all it was a good competitive tournament. Jeff B kicked mucho booty overall--I won Best Painted by the skin of my teeth...so it all worked out as it should. There were some really good looking armies present, so I'm honored to have my totally annihilated army still voted Best Dressed. Huzzah!

Space Marines... Really?: My last space marine army was a Chapter Approved Flesh Tearers list some time in early 3rd edition. AGES AGO...like, two Presidents ago. (Wait, that would be the same guy. ) Since then I've stuck to Xenos. After looking at the new codex, in particular the 1st company paint scheme, I've decided to dust off the old power armor and giving it another go. I hope it still works. It might need more oil than the Tin Man. But, shhhh....I have a secret weapon. I've conned Jeff B. into putting together a totally bad-a** list for me. Of course, my job is to make it look GOOD. Here is a look at the test model.

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